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A fun, at times a bit frustrating due to my hand to eye coordination not being what it once was, game. Simple, addictive, and fast to play.


(1 edit)

This is a fun game that has that quality which makes one want to play "just one more round."  Well done!

OOOhhhh - sorry for the multiple posts, but I'm still playing!!

One more suggestion - track the high scores.

Hey thanks for all the feedback, I'm delighted that you're enjoying it. I may well add a button press to skip the between level screens along with one or two improvements in a future version. I insisted on the key press thing to showcase the fact that it was being played on a real Computer (with a keyboard) and not a console. But, you're not the first to suggest that JS would be better. High scores are tracked (Well, the highest score is tracked) on the main screen after a game has been played. I made it this way because I'm lazy, and making a high score list seamed like a heck of a lot of work to me at the time, so maybe in my next game. Thanks again for taking time to give it a shot and I hope that it put a little COLOUR into your day, :)

Peter:  I just spent some time playing this on real hardware Coco3.  What a blast!  Great job on your first endeavor into game creation!  It definitely has the "JUST ONE MORE" vibe to it.

Two player version is very fun as well - slightly different game as the single player but even more fun.

One very minor suggestion - instead of having to hit Y to start next game, joystick button should to the same.  That will save me 1 second per game!   ;-)

I'll cast a vote for using the joystick button to start next game.

You spelled Color wrong....  ;-/